
Showing posts from November, 2008

The Stomach

The stomach is the principal organ of digestion. It is the most dilated part of the alimentary canal, and is situated between the termination of the esophagus and the commencement of the small intestine. Its form is somewhat pyriform with the large end (fundus) directed upward and the small end bent to the right. It is situated in the left hypochondriae and epigastric regions, and is placed, in part, immediately behind the anterior wall of the abdomen and beneath the Diaphragm. Viewing the stomach from in front it appears that the right margin of the esophagus is continued downward as the upper tow-third of this border bending sharply backward and to the right, to complete the smaller curvature. The greater curvature begin at the left border of the termination of the esophagus in a somewhat acute angle; it lies in contact for some distance, and then sweeps downward with a convexity to the left and continued across the middle line of the body, finally turns upward and backward, to t...

Excretory System

Excretory systems are special structures in organism through which waste products of metabolism are rid and the proper balance of water and salts in the blood and other body fluids is maintained at the same time. Detection is the elimination of undigested material from the body and is a function of the digestive system. Urinary system The major excretory organs in vertebrates are the kidneys , which are two paired organs, one on each side of the body. The kidneys and associated organs that store and eliminate urine are collectively called the urinary system. The kidneys dispose of toxic wastes, such as ammonia, urea and uric acid, and excess salt and water in the form of urine. The heart, in a sense, pumps blood blindly, but the kidneys monitor the quality of blood so that the organism is not poisoned by the end products of its own metabolism and the proper volume and composition of its body fluids are maintained. The kidneys continually form urine by filtering many material...


The two kidneys are the major organs of excretion in vertebrates. Excess water, toxic waste product of metabolism such as urea and uric acid , and organic salts are disposed of by the kidneys in the form of urine. The kidneys are also largely responsible for maintaining the water balance of the body and the acidity (PH) of the blood. The kidneys and associated organ that produce and eliminate urine are collectively called the urinary system. The kidneys also play important roles in other body activities such as in releasing the protein erythropoietin, which stimulate the bone marrow to increase the formation of cell blood cells, and in helping in control blood pressure. Some drugs or their breakdown products are eliminated through the kidneys. Because of this important function of kidneys, we should always give a best maintainance service to this organ. The tips for maintain our kidneys are must much of drink and always go sport even just light sport, the important of this sport...