
Showing posts from August, 2011

Nervous System on Sole of Foot

The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet have some sweat glands than any other part of body. Excessive hand sweating is the most common sweating problem, sweaty hands usually come along with sweaty feet. When sweaty hands and feet become a severe problem, they are called palmar hyperhidrosis and pedal hyperhidrosis respectively. This tend happen begin in early childhood and become worse after teenage years and early adulthood. The sweaty hands and feet are likely to develop cracking and scaling of the skin, blister, frostbite , warts and fungal infections . According to traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen system controls the muscles and the limbs, the four extremities must be nourished by the nutrient essence transformed and transported by the spleen. Several nervous system on the sole of foot as on the picture below: