Excretory System

Excretory systems are special structures in organism through which waste products of metabolism are rid and the proper balance of water and salts in the blood and other body fluids is maintained at the same time. Detection is the elimination of undigested material from the body and is a function of the digestive system.

Urinary system
The major excretory organs in vertebrates are the kidneys, which are two paired organs, one on each side of the body. The kidneys and associated organs that store and eliminate urine are collectively called the urinary system. The kidneys dispose of toxic wastes, such as ammonia, urea and uric acid, and excess salt and water in the form of urine. The heart, in a sense, pumps blood blindly, but the kidneys monitor the quality of blood so that the organism is not poisoned by the end products of its own metabolism and the proper volume and composition of its body fluids are maintained.

The kidneys continually form urine by filtering many materials from the blood or body fluids and then returning some of these as necessary. Just what the kidneys do and how they do it varies from one vertebrate to another. In general, however, a two way traffic reroute prevails between the blood, for example, and urine-forming units in the kidneys. The bulk of water extracted from nutrients and salts. At the same time, wastes are removed and added to the now much concentrated urine.


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