
Showing posts from October, 2009

Digestion Organ

The apparatus of the Digestion of the Food consists of the alimentary canal and of certain accessory organs. The alimentary canal is a musculo membranous tube, about thirty feet in length excluding from the mouth to the anus, and lined throughout its entire extent by mucous membrane. It has received different names in the various parts of its course: at its commencement, the mouth, we find provision made of the mechanical division of the food (insalivations), and for its admixture with a fluid secreted by the salivary glands (insalivations); beyond this are the organs of deglutition, the pharynx and the esophagus, which convey the food into that part of the alimentary canal (the atomach) in which the principal chemical changes occur, and in which the reduction and solution of the food take place; in the small intestines the nutritive principles of the food (the chyle) are separated, by its admixture with the bile, pancreatic and intestinal fluids, from that portion which passes into...